
May 07, 2012

Day 83, 8th November 2011. Tauranga, New Zealand

Today is the day we finally did something, yay!

I didn't write my diary very well this week, so I'm not really sure of the timescales we did anything, and a lot of it I have written from memory rather than my notes.

We were going on a hike up the mount today. It was some mountain that was in Tauranga, called Mount Maungaui, but Gary and I had no idea how to pronounce that, and Fabian and Treena just called it the mount, so we did too. 

A few weeks or so before hand there had been this big oil spill or something, we didn't really know much about it because we had been living in our America bubble, but it was in the news a lot at the time people have told me. Gary is telling me that an oil container hit some rocks or something and I think we could see it from the shore. There were also people there doing work on the beach like making sure it was all clean or some other official business like that.

First of all we went on a walk around the mountain, and it was so beautiful, I took so many photos.

See, it was so pretty! Gary kept telling me off for trailing so far behind, but I was stopping to take photos every 30 seconds. 

It was crazy that all this scenery was just 10 minutes from their house. I hope that one day I can live somewhere beautiful. The saddest thing in my life is that we are stuck living in London because we have no money or resources to move somewhere else. One day we will live in a beautiful place and I will be happy.

Sorry for the photo overload, but as you can see, it was such lovely scenery that my photos came out so great, it was hard to narrow it down to just these ones. Then we started walking up the mount.

Before we went to New Zealand, the only thing I really knew about it was that people joked that there were a lot of sheep there. Well on our walk today, we saw loads!! It was cool how they were just casually roaming around with no restraints, compared to the fact that the only sheep we see around here are closed in on a little field near the reservoir. 

They were so cute. Just all walking around together, and there were so many tiny baby lambs too.

It was quite a strenuous walk considering since we had arrived in New Zealand we had done no exercise at all. So we stopped on a bench to have a rest.

The boys were walking really fast, and kept moaning at me for being slow. I got a bit stroppy and went back down to sit on the beach while they continued. I had planned for Gary and I to go up there again at the end of the trip anyway. I know it seems a bit silly that I did that but I was just getting annoyed because I could tell they were both thinking OMG why is she walking so slow, and my childish side got the better of me and I gave up. I also think the lack of food I had been eating meant I had zero energy. All I had eaten was chocolate, sweets, and the occasional bit of fruit. I had not eaten any proper meals and it was definitely taking its toll on my energy levels.

I walked back down, bought a drink and a magazine from a shop and sat on the beach reading. It was really nice, and it's a shame we didn't spend more time at the beach. Here are some of Gary's photo's from the top.

HAHA he's pointing at an invisible me.

When the boys got down, we went to play mini golf. It was fun. I do love a game of mini golf, and I lost as usual. Afterwards we went home and I was feeling really upset about the lack of food I was eating. None of the restaraunts did any nice meals, and I know this makes me sound like a total fatty, but nice food is one of the most important things in my life. Fabian and Treena had a lot of food in the house, but they were so healthy (not that theres anything wrong with that, its great) but I am not healthy at all, so I'd rather eat nothing than eat something thats good for you but doesn't taste as good. 

All I wanted to do was lay in bed, and Gary said he was going out for a little while with Fabian. When he got back he had the biggest surprise for me. He had bought burgers, sausages, white bread, cheese, sweet potato fries, all my favorite things. I was literally the happiest girl in the world right then. He made us a dinner of hot dogs with cheese on and I was so in love with him right then its unreal. I know I sound like the most unhealthy food obsessed person in the world, and really shouldn't be so attached to food like that. But once I start getting fat I'll worry about it then. Haha.

After eating only 3 hot dogs I was so full up because I hadn't eaten properly for days. All we did this eveing was watch TV.

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