
January 17, 2012

Day 17, 3rd September 2011. Banff - Glacier National Park, Montana

I was so cold in the night that I had laid all my clothes over my sleeping bag to try and create a blanket so I had to pack everything all away again this morning. Being so cold in your sleep is the very worst thing ever, it made it impossible to fall asleep at all, and when I did sleep, I woke myself up from shivering so much. I decided that we definitely needed to get a proper blanket for the tent.

I don't remember what time we left this morning, but after about an hour of driving we stopped at a gas station and it was already so much warmer outside than where we had been for the past few days. Another few hours of driving and we stopped at Walmart and me and Gary stocked up on extra pillows, a massive fleece blanket and a foam camping matress for the tent. Gary's back had really been hurting him from sleeping on the hard floor. We had thin foam mat's to sleep on that trek supplied, but the one we bought was much bigger and about 10 times thicker so we were really hoping all these things we bought would be worth it and we could get some good nights sleep.

Finally a while later we got to the USA border, I was surprised by how easily they let us in. All they did was check our passports while we were sitting in the van, they didn't even ask us to get out or anything, we could have had anyone/anything in there. It surprised me they were so easygoing because at the airports they are so strict. I really liked our time in Canada, but it was good to be back in the USA.

Once we were in the USA (Montana) we drove to camp which was only half an hour away. We went to the Glacier National Park visitor center first, to do the usual, get map's and watch a random school trip video.

They had a teepee in the visitor center which I enjoyed

There was lots of information about the Native American's that used to live there which was really cool, that's the kind of stuff I am really interested in. We then went to set up camp and our campsite was really nice, it was surrouded by beautiful mountains.
We set up our tent with all our new things and it was lovely and cosy in there, the new matress was so comfortable to lay on and the blanket was so warm.

Gary took a photo of my static hair in the tent

 We went to do some more laundry, because we hardly had any warm clothes and we had worn them all in Banff, so we needed to do more washing already. The laundry room was lovely and warm so we stayed in there pretty much all night charging our phones and chatting. We came back over to the tents to eat dinner but then went straight back in there for the rest of the night.

Cute wallpaper in the laundry room

One of the prettiest views we had from our tent

Gary would have slept in the laundry room if I would have let him, but I convinced him we had to go to bed to try out all our new things, and they worked well, we had a really nice sleep. Well I did, Gary thought because we had the blanket that he didn't need to get in his sleeping bag and he was cold.

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