
March 10, 2012

Day 47, 3rd October 2011. Louisiana - San Antonio, Texas

I didn't write down what time we were up and about at this morning but it was quite early. We were going to Texas today and I was so excited because it's a state that I've always wanted to go to. I think we drove for about 6 hours and all I really did was sleep and read. We only stopped once, for lunch, which I didn't eat and we were soon in the Lone Star State.

Because we had left so early it was only 2pm when we arrived at camp. We were FINALLY staying at another KOA. KOA is a company that runs campsites, we stayed at a lot of KOA's on the first half, they are always much nicer than other campsites so Art always booked us into KOA's where there was one. I think Mark didn't like KOA's because he liked to do things in his own way, so he put us in so many shit campsites. I was so happy when I saw us driving under a KOA sign.
Anyway, as it was only 2pm we actually had a chance to do some stuff at camp. Once we had set our tents up I went to have a shower. The showers were SO nice, it was like being in a hotel, they were so clean. I cannot tell you how happy this made me, after yesterdays ridiculousness. Me and Gary also did some laundry and cherged our phones and then sat around cap while we waited for Mark to get back from the supermarket with dinner.

Me and Kirsty were on cooking tonight. We made chili with mashed potatoes, it was ok and nice enough to eat, but it's not really the kind of thing I like. Before I went on this trip I would never eat mashed potatoes butI kind of had to learn to like them because sometimes they were the only thing available. On the second half of this trip we spent so much money on food, it was unreal. We were hardly getting any food at camp so I feel that the 'food kitty' we had to pay into was money wasted, it was like literally throwing money in the trash.

After dinner, Mark drove us all into the city of San Antonio to have a look around. San Antonio is a really nice city, one of the favourite places we visited. There was a riverwalk where there were loads of restaraunts along a river that runs through the city that was a nice place to walk.

We went to the Alamo, which is where around 200 Texans defended the USA from an army of 4000 Mexicans and won.

We didn't really do that much because we had the whole day tomorrow to explore San Antonio. When we got back to camp we were starving, me and Gary were hunting around for any food, all we could find was a cereal bar, so we shared that and just went to bed.

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